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Letter from the President

Ted Place

Since its establishment in 1971, the Northwest Foundation has been dedicated to championing the transformative potential of the accessible, top-tier education provided by Northwest Missouri State University. Our commitment lies in elevating an exceptional student experience by securing and stewarding vital funds that ensure the sustainability of the University amidst a changing educational landscape.

The Northwest Foundation Board of Directors is 36 members strong, hailing from 11 states and representing nearly four decades of Bearcat history. This group is generous with their time, talent and financial support to ensure that future generations of Bearcats have access to the necessary resources to flourish and maximize their educational journey.

The work of the board is made possible by the collaboration we share with the University's leadership, faculty and staff. The Office of University Advancement is the driving force behind our efforts, a team of dedicated professionals who provide the strategic guidance and direction that make investment in the University possible. Their commitment to excellence and judicious stewardship of resources mirrors our own.

It is you, the alumni and friends of Northwest, whose generous philanthropic investment fuels the opportunity stretching before our current and future Bearcats. Your support guides them towards a brighter future, empowering them to seize the limitless possibilities that await. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication to and support of Northwest Missouri State University.

Once a Bearcat, always a Bearcat!

Ted P. Place ’99
President, Northwest Foundation, Inc.