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Commemorative Trees

你可以通过购买和奉献一棵纪念树来支持密苏里植物园. 一棵活树是为了纪念你特别的人或事件,并在它的一生中为和记棋牌娱乐的校园和环境带来许多好处.

A gift of $1,其中包括一棵纪念树, 种植和最初的照料, 并在树的生命周期内协助维护. 捐款者会收到一个木制牌匾和描述这棵树的信, 它的位置和关于树种的一般信息. 密苏里植物园委员会根据密苏里植物园的标准列出了合适的树种和种植地点. 礼物在密苏里植物园网站上得到认可,并在种植地点放置牌匾.


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  • New commemorations to come

2008 (Ice Storm response)

  • By the Memorial Bell Tower
    • In honor of 西北地区专门的冰暴工作人员, a White Fir
    • By Dennis Dau, a White Fir
  • 行政大楼的银杏和白穗树树林.
    • In honor of Dr. Hubbard, a Ginkgo.
    • By Kichoon and Sharon Yang, a Ginkgo.
    • In memory of L.D. and L.M. Frizell, a Ginkgo.
    • In honor of the Galbreath家族四代人, a Ginkgo.
    • In honor of the 大学关系办公室和KXCV/KRNW, a Ginkgo.
    • By Jon and Donna Rickman, a Ginkgo.
    • In memory of 我的朋友Jeff Overlease:他总是帮助别人, a White Fringetree.
    • By Richard and Donna Borchardt, a White Fringetree.
    • In memory of Boba Dean Fairchild, a White Fringetree.
    • By Shelly Milner Anderson, a White Fringetree.
    • In memory of Kevin Bayer, a White Fringetree.
    • By 斯图尔特和沃尔特·布莱辛-亨利和朱莉·布莱辛, a White Fringetree.
    • By David L. and Ann Eilers Newman, a White Fringetree.
    • By Phyllis and Dick Leet, a White Fringetree.
    • In honor of Dr. Irene Mueller, a White Fringetree.
    • By Paul & Rita Jennings, Class of 1975, Des Moines IA, a White Fringetree.
    • By Sarah & Sam Porter, Class of 1960 & 1961, a White Fringetree.
    • By Rebecca Johnson Wigal, a White Fringetree.
  • 行政大楼西边.
    • In honor of the Courter Family, a Blackgum.
    • In honor of 艾米·贝丝·胡克的《和记棋牌娱乐》, a Hemlock.
    • In honor of Family & 消费者科学-百年纪念1908-2008, a Hemlock.
  • 美术学院的紫荆和白荆树林.
    • By 吉姆和贝弗利布莱克福德一家, a Redbud.
    • By Drs. Joel & Christine Benson, Jeremiah & Montanna, a Redbud.
    • By Veronica and Alex Bryant, a Redbud.
    • In honor of Heather and Dan Scott, a Redbud.
    • In honor of Nell Cowden, a Redbud.
    • By McLaughlin/Martinez/Goforth, a Whitebud.
    • By Dean Wall, a Whitebud.
    • In honor of TKE-Delta Nu Chapter Est. at Northwest 1954, a Whitebud.
    • In memory of Richard L. Harover, a Whitebud.
    • In honor of Miles T. & Kayla J. McDonald, a Whitebud.
  • 48年钟附近的一片英国橡树林.
    • In honor of 杰西卡·卢茨,科尔和考特尼·哈德利, an English Oak.
    • By Sherry Pasternak Simon & Judith Pasternak Owen, an English Oak.
    • In honor of Capt. Kenneth I. Meek, USN Ret, Class of 1950, an English Oak.
    • By 辩论74-75奥斯卡·M·布利维茨弗雷德里克·D·施瓦茨, an English Oak.
    • In honor of Grant Runde, an English Oak.
    • By Dr. Phillip Messner, Family an English Oak.
    • In memory of Ronnie J. 瓦林,由他的家人奉献, an English Oak.
    • In memory of 伊迪丝·海瑟薇·弗里德尔——她的课还在, an English Oak.
    • In honor of Jim and Deb Porter, an English Oak.
  • 行政大楼西侧的樱花树林.
    • By 美国川崎汽车制造公司.S.A., a Yoshino Cherry.
    • In honor of Irma Merrick, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • Dedicated by Tim & 塔米·鲍曼,1982届毕业生, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • In memory of 海伦·克莱尔·墨菲,和记棋牌娱乐最小的熊猫, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • By Fred Lamer, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • By 北方信托- Art Jablonski, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • By the 杰瑞和罗宾·威尔姆斯一家, a Yoshino Cherry.
    • By Mihoko Yamazoe, a Yoshino Cherry.
  • 哈德森-佩兰的秃柏树和开花树木的小树林.
    • By The Orrie Covert Family, a Bald Cypress.
    • In honor of 杰瑞·威尔姆斯,06-07学年学生事务副总裁, a Bald cypress.
    • By the 布鲁斯·威克家族和肖恩·威克家族, a Bald Cypress.
    • By Drs. June and Ken McDonald, a Bald Cypress.
    • By David G. Boucher Rev. Trust, a Bald Cypress.
    • In honor of 弗农·弗里德尔——堪萨斯农民, a Bald Cypress.
    • By Mihoko Yamazoe, a Japanese Tree Lilac.
    • By the City of Maryville, 2008, a White Pine.
    • By 密立根,哈德森和佩林·霍尔斯, a White Fringetree.
    • In honor of Our parents Ran & Jan (Burnham) Schwarz '79, a White Fringetree.
  • 亲吻桥上的海棠树树林.
    • In memory of Raymond Keith Wheeler, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In honor of Dr. Robert P. Foster, donated by the MIDC, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In honor of Dr. Robert P. Foster, donated by the MIDC, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In honor of Dr. Robert P. Foster, donated by the MIDC, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In honor of Earle Moss, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In honor of Martha Moss, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In memory of Raymond Barry Wheeler, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In memory of 玛丽·伊丽莎白·雷诺兹·布斯, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • By 布莱恩·布斯和帕特丽夏·马舍夫斯基, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In memory of 蕾切尔·吉布森·惠勒·福奇, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • In memory of Mrs. Katie Rischer, a Flowering Crabapple.
    • By Gus and Greg Rischer, a Flowering Crabapple.
  • 沿着黄金服务路的山楂树林.
    • In honor of Robert Sunkel, a Hawthorn.
    • By Jim and Pam Turner, a Hawthorn.
    • By David Snider, a Hawthorn.
    • In honor of the Tau Kappa Epsilon校友会, a Hawthorn.
    • By Matt Rouch, a Hawthorn.
    • In honor of Jeffrey A. Grubb, a Hawthorn.
    • In memory of Chris King, a Hawthorn.
    • In memory of Bill and Dorothy Franklin, a Hawthorn.
  • 加勒特-斯特朗的小树林.
    • By John Shaw, a Hackberry.
    • By Don LeBois和Barbara Springer, a Hackberry.
    • By Danny and Mindy Marsh, a Hackberry.
    • By 安德鲁·希区柯克和昆汀·坦普尔顿, a Hackberry.
    • In memory of Kelly Howe, a White Oak.
    • By Gamma Theta Upsilon, a Littleleaf Linden.
    • In memory of 斯梅泽博士,三角洲标志, a Blackgum.
    • By David J. Easterla, a Hackberry.
    • In memory of Henry D. Haberyan, Jr., a Pecan.
    • By Haberyan, a white oak.
    • By 乔·泽伦兹,52岁纪念父母约瑟夫和安娜, a Silver Linden.
  • A grove of Oak trees at Brown Hall & South Complex.
    • By 迈克,洛里,丹尼,还有大卫·斯坦纳, a Red Oak.
    • By Mary Hamilton Purdy, a Black Oak.
    • In memory of " 《和记棋牌娱乐》,作者是马特、特蕾西、基冈和阿瑟·丹尼尔斯, a Black Oak.
    • By 杰拉尔德和格伦达·克拉瑞迪·诺布尔, a Black Oak.
    • By 史蒂夫和邦妮·萨顿一家, a Black Oak.
    • In memory of Lee and Bernice Furgason, a Black Oak.
    • By 霍勒斯·曼实验室学校的学生, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Chas Wm. Moore - Jenna J. Moore - K-6th Grade, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Dr. Michael Graham, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of 博世家族,由芭芭拉·B. 亚历山大,简·亚历山大,汤姆和安妮·格罗斯, a Red Oak.
    • By Ann and Donald Beeson, a Red Oak.
    • In memory of Myron and Dorothy Horton ,a Red Oak.
    • In memory of The Goldsmith Babies, a Bur Oak.
    • In honor of Dr. Frank and Vicki Grispino, a Oak.
    • In honor of Dr. 克里斯蒂,蒂姆和阿什琳·亚历山大, a Oak.
  • 学院公园以北的一片榆树林.
    • By Mihoko Yamazoe, a Lacebark Elm.
    • In memory of Geraldine Parman, a Lacebark Elm.
    • By Charles Derstler, a Lacebark Elm.
  • 长步道上的泽尔科娃树林.
    • By 历史、人文、哲学、政治学、 a Zelkova.
    • In memory of Becky Greeley, a Zelkova.
    • Dedicated by Tau Kappa Epsilon的人, a Zelkova.
    • By Matt Rouch a Zelkova.
    • In memory of Cotton Fine by Tom M. Fine, Class of 1977, a Zelkova.
    • In honor of Jack and Agnes Shepherd, a Zelkova.
    • By Fred and Annette Barta, a Zelkova.
    • In memory of Bonnie Boll Beavers, a Zelkova.
    • By Stu and Stephanie Osterthun, a Zelkova.
  • 长路上长满铁杉和紫荆的小树林.
    • By Jay Raveill, Class of 1980, a Redbud.
    • In memory of Cynthia J. Gabel, a Hemlock.
    • In memory of Lon and Rowena Wilson, a Hemlock.
  • At Mabel Cook
    • In memory of Earl Hale Hardy, a Horsechestnut
  • At Owens Library
    • In memory of Leland and Maudie Morrow, a Sugar Maple.
  • 沿着大学公园大道的舒伯特樱桃和十月光荣枫树林
    • In honor of 和记棋牌娱乐的孩子,索菲亚和彼得,PJ和克里斯·艾米斯, a Schubert Cherry.
    • By Greek Life, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In honor of The Roup Family, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of Rockwell/Willis Family, a Schubert Cherry.
    • By Robert and Betty Bush, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of Pamela Willand Graham, an October Glory Maple.
    • By 保罗·斯蒂尔和贝蒂·普莱斯顿, an October Glory Maple.
    • In memory of Dr. 拉里·琼斯,桑德拉·琼斯捐赠的 & Family, an October Glory Maple.
    • By 托德·埃勒特,史蒂夫·汤普森,《和记棋牌娱乐》, an October Glory Maple.
    • In honor of Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, an October Glory Maple.
  • 工作室剧院旁的肯塔基咖啡树林.
    • In memory of Joseph Dierksen,通讯,剧院 & Languages Department, a Kentucky Coffee Tree.
    • In memory of John and Beulah Houston, a Kentucky Coffee Tree.
    • By Mahlon and Johanne Fairchild, a Kentucky Coffee Tree.
  • In Lamkin Circle
    • In memory of 戴夫·卡菲- 1993年从罗恩,帕姆,托德和泰勒, a Serviceberry.
  • 北入口的小树林.
    • In honor of Jan Marriott by Colby & Laurie Marriott and Steve & Dana Browning, a Tulip Tree.
    • By Terry & 卡莉·弗兰奇家族基金会,75届毕业生, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of William A. Bing III, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of LaRue Kemp Mutz, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of Kurby by Mary Bovard, a Schubert Cherry.
    • By Dr. and Mrs. Richard Phillips '57 , a Tulip Tree.
    • In honor of Dr. 詹妮弗·哈尔:她父母捐赠的,迈伦 & Evelyn Harr, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of Howard Wood Ringold, a Limber Pine.
    • By Dave and Marge Moore, a Limber Pine.
    • By Jerry and Curt Gaffney, a Schubert Cherry.
    • By 林赛(盖尔饰)和泰·佩切克, a Schubert Cherry.
    • In memory of Dr. Robert Foster, a Schubert Cherry.
    • By 理查德,罗克珊,丽贝卡,还有罗宾·雷宁, a Schubert Cherry.
  • 麦凯米中心的榆树树林.
    • In memory of Myron and Dorothy Horton, an Elm.
    • In memory of Myron and Dorothy Horton, an Elm.
    • By Alfred McKemy, an Elm.
    • By Gary and Christina Strub, an Elm.
    • In memory of Lewis Kent Ward, an Elm.
  • 沿着北学院公园大道的英格兰橡树树林
    • By 阿尔法西格玛,三西格玛,西格玛卡帕和阿尔法德尔塔派的女性, an English Oak.
    • In honor of Dr. 莫顿·肯纳和简·肯纳, an English Oak.
    • In memory of Florence Hilsenbeck Lamb, an English Oak.
    • By The 85th Student Senate, an English Oak.
    • By The 85th Student Senate, an English Oak.
    • In honor of 科特,凯文和艾琳·杰克逊, an English Oak.
    • By JoEllen Lincoln & Jonica Lincoln, an English Oak.
    • By Norine Norris Brewer - 1951, an English Oak.
    • In memory of Mildred (Umbarger) Cole, an English Oak.
    • ByIn honor of Dr. Frank W. and Martha Grube, an English Oak.
    • By Jan and Ellen Mohr, an English Oak.
    • By David and Sherry March, an English Oak.
    • In memory of 贝蒂·简·米勒(马丁·米勒)- 49年,作者麦克·米勒, an English Oak.
    • In memory of George Vilas Martin, an English Oak.
  • 沿着车站北面的欧洲角木树林.
    • By Tracy Barth and Family, a European Hornbearm.
    • In memory of Harold E. Sauter, a European Hornbearm.
    • In memory of Rex G. Lewis, a European Hornbearm.
    • In memory of Bill and Carol Brown, a European Hornbearm.
    • In memory of 布拉德利·林维尔——1983届毕业生, a European Hornbearm.
    • By The Kettle Family, a European Hornbearm.
  • 由Dieterich设计的沃巴什小径上的原生植物树林
    • In memory of Larry A. Jones, a Sourwood.
    • By Rick and Tamra Carter, a Yellowwood.
    • In memory of Dorothy Horton, a Persimmon.
    • By Lila Holdsworth, a Yellowwood.
    • By Bill Hoshor - College High, a Sassafras.
    • By Katherine C. 斯特克尔-密苏里学院- 2008级, a Sassafras.
  • 沃巴什小道上的一群海棠
    • In memory of Ernest Cline Adwell Sr., a Purple Prince Crabapple.
    • In honor of Edith Grace Williams Adwell, a Purple Prince Crabapple.
    • By 苏西拉,卡洛琳,小欧内斯特·阿德威尔., a Purple Prince Crabapple.
  • 由沃克中心设计的一组斯嘉丽·奥克
    • By Richard and Linda Oswald, a Scarlett Oak.
    • By Matt and Margaret Haynes, a Scarlett Oak.
    • In memory of Morris C. Walton, a Scarlett Oak.
  • 一组锯齿橡树由约翰·T. 里克曼电子校园支持中心

    • In honor of Bill & Dorothy Baldwin - Gene & Wanda Yagel, a Sawtooth Oak.
    • In memory of 弗洛伦斯·纳丁·卡迈克尔·希尔森贝克37, a Sawtooth Oak.
    • In memory of Paul & Catherine Jones and Jean & 凯瑟琳·布朗,桑迪和保罗·琼斯的父母, a Sawtooth Oak.
  • Sugar Maples 沿着森林村的车道行驶
    • By John and Carolyn Koffman, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of 查尔斯·拉姆齐,一个好朋友送的, a Sugar Maple.
    • By 梅丽莎·鲁曼,安吉·鲁曼·库克,布拉德·库克, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Jane Twaddle, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Dr. Charles A. Schultz, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Dr. Patricia Bowers Schultz, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Lanny and Karin (Hunt) Cowell, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Scott P. Tefft, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Mark and Cindy Pickerel, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Janet S. Gayler, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Peggy Humphreys Hadden '61, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Brad and Cheryl Stephens, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Drake and MaKenna Stephens, a Sugar Maple.
    • By 布拉德·谢尔顿和乔伊斯·谢尔顿, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Robert and Carol Sutton, a Sugar Maple.
    • By 欧文斯图书馆教职员工,2008年, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of 数学与统计学系, a Sugar Maple.
    • By 艾米丽·莱肯比·克林肯伯格,1961届毕业生, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Tyler and Tara Roach, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Scott and Pam McCoppin, a Sugar Maple.
    • By 比尔(65届)和露易丝(64届), a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Betty Johnson Otte by Dr. 大卫·凯彻和詹尼斯·奥特1975年的凯彻75年的诺特曼和苏珊·奥特, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Nina Carolyn Elswick, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Betty (Feldman) Cosentino, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of 弗兰克·费尔顿的家人捐赠的, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of 《和记娱乐ios》,作者:兰迪、朱迪、梅根和约瑟夫·弗鲁, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Marty Galbraith, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Kristy and Jeff Raymond, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Jonathan David Vansaghi, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Benjamin William Vansaghi, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of Rita Shuck, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Jaclyn Nicole Dierking, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Bixler Family, a Sugar Maple.
    • In honor of 梅尔文和莱拉·韦瑟蒙,克利福德和海伦·杰克逊,本·F., Jr. and Sue Graham, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of 布莱恩·雪莉和维拉·雪莉, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Rodby and Barbara Booth, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Audrey & Frank Weis, a Sugar Maple.
    • By Joseph Chimbel & LaVonne (Long) Chimbel, a Sugar Maple.
    • In memory of Dr. Hake,化学物理系1942年由H. Sisk, a Sugar Maple.
  • 森林村周围的各种植物
    • In honor of Harry and Nola Clow, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of 菲利普·沃格和马特·沃格的纪念, a Red Oak.
    • In memory of Robert and Evelyn O'Riley, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of James R. McDaniels, a Honey Locust.
    • By 和记棋牌娱乐全国大学学者协会, a Honey Locust.
    • By The Bowen Family, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of 克林特·艾伦·约翰逊1985 - 2006, an English Oak.
    • In memory of 克林特·艾伦·约翰逊1985 - 2006, an English Oak.
    • In memory of Greg and Garland Shipps, an English Oak.
    • In memory of 克拉伦斯·哈罗德和拉内尔·伯纳姆(桑德兰), a Red Oak.
    • By Tony and Jennifer Perkins, a Black Oak.
    • In memory of Dr. Gary Bennerotte妻子Susan Bennerotte, a Black Oak.
    • By Rose Marie Duty, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Othel Richards, a Honey Locust
    • By 的,章, a Honey Locust.
    • By Don and Stacy Carrick, a Honey Locust.
    • By Joe and Andy Schroeder, a Limber Pine.
    • By Brett and Elaine Smith, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Jack P. 特纳——1954届——1926-2008届, a Red Oak.
    • In memory of Gene Harmegnies - 1974级-永远的熊猫, a Honey Locust.
    • By Perrin Hall委员会和Phillips Hall委员会, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of Fudge, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Audrey, a Honey Locust.
    • By Jim and Gaye Ballinger, a Honey Locust.
    • By Huashan Chen and Ni Lin, a Bald Cypress.
    • In memory of Dr. Robert P. Foster, a Bald Cypress.
    • In memory of Rachelle Zech, a Red Oak.
    • In honor of Daniel Yoka, a Bald Cypress.
    • In memory of Dr. Donald Sandford, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of 保罗·琼斯,1994届毕业生,尼尔·琼斯之子 & Donna Jones 1968 & 1970, a Honey Locust.
    • By Northwest Women's Track & Field/Cross Country, a Honey Locust.
    • By 西北剧院组织, a Honey Locust.
    • By 西北剧院组织, a Honey Locust.
    • By Dave and Carole Gieseke, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of 大卫和伊丽莎白·麦康基夫妇, a Bald Cypress.
    • By 琳达,阿利安,劳伦,还有史蒂夫·谢弗, a Limber Pine.
    • By Mike and Sue Snodgrass, a Honey Locust.
    • By William E. O'Riley - Class of 1967, a Honey Locust.
    • By Ione Thompson Edwards -室友1944 - Miriam Murren Sherrard, a Honey Locust.
    • By RS Electric, a Bald Cypress.
    • In honor of Maryville Garden Club, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of Bearcat Athletics, a Black Oak.
    • In memory of Virginia K. Dyche, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of 凯特卡雷尔公寓BS '99 MS 2000 Ed.S. '08, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Roland & Reva Jo (Kerns) Gordon, 49届毕业生, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Doug Peterson & Jo Peterson Grodahl, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Mrs. Johnie Imes, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Dr. John Baker, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Jean and Jack Wiechmann, a Honey Locust.
    • By Jerry Robey Family, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Don & Doris Robey, a Red Oak.
    • By Megan Noell Spring(2005年、2007年西北), a Honey Locust.
    • By Shirley Heumader, Charlotte M Moore, Susan L Moore, a Honey Locust.
    • By 彭尼斯顿,格哈特,阿克林家族, a Honey Locust.
    • In honor of The Lorax, a Honey Locust.
    • In honor of “和记棋牌娱乐看到绿色”,hped部门2008, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Dr. Robert Foster donated by Dr. Merlyn Knudson & James Davis, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Mike Mulloy, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of Phi Beta Lambda, a Honey Locust.
    • In honor of Ryan M Jackson, a Honey Locust.
    • By Department of English, a Limber Pine.
    • By Warren & Barbara Gose, a Honey Locust.
    • By Warren & Barbara Gose, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of John A. Dunlap, a Flowering Crab.
    • By Tom & Lisa Carder, a Flowering Crab.
    • By Jon & Paula Nicolaisen, a Flowering Crab.
    • In memory of Ed Van Veldhuizen, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of 玛格丽特·波特·波尔斯基,母亲节,帕蒂和保罗·波尔斯基送给你, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Northwest Football, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Greg Weishar, a Swamp White Oak.
    • In honor of Kevin and Judy Weishar, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Gustafson/Goldsmith; Kearney, MO/Corning, IA, a Swamp White Oak.
    • By Dix Family; Randy '76, Paula '76 (Ward), Emily '04, a Bald Cypress.
    • In memory of Erie and Lola Heckman, a Black Oak.
    • By Jerry and Beverly Wetzel '59, a Limber Pine.
    • By The Lockridge Family, a Limber Pine.
    • By Susan (Swigart) Altizer '73; Tricia Altizer '01, a Limber Pine.
    • By Dr. 林志洛-市场推广及管理系系主任, a Red Oak.
    • By Jeannie O'Donnell-Heckman, a Bald Cypress.
    • By Joseph and Sharon Growney1964届,松木生.
    • In memory of Gilbert S. Schnack, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of Denny and Anne Sapp, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of Rosalie M. Kixmiller '60, Limber Pine.
    • By John & Kris Teale, a Red Oak.
    • By 西北校区餐饮员工, a Black Oak.
  • 塔楼套房周围的各种植物
    • In honor of 唐和史黛西·卡里克作者:金·道恩博斯·卡里克, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of 萨德·迪恩和莎拉·齐默尔曼Dean, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of Virginia R. McGinness Pagin, a Horsechestnut.
    • In memory of 玛丽·雷·库尔茨1930年,吉尔福德,作者:感恩的孩子, a Limber Pine.
    • By 维克多·莫拉莱斯,1982届毕业生, a Honey Locust.
    • By Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gregg White Sr. and Family, a Limber Pine.
    • In honor of Norbert & Marjorie Berning, a Limber Pine.
    • In memory of Mary Wagner, a Ginkgo.
    • In memory of 库尔特·金特里的朋友和家人, a Honey Locust.
    • By 凯伦60岁,露丝62岁,卡罗尔66岁,克劳福德, a Ginkgo.
    • By The Chester Robison Family, a Ginkgo.
    • In honor of Frank(50年)和Willa Merenghi, a Ginkgo.
    • In honor of 乔治·内森(George Nathan, 54届),和记棋牌娱乐家的好朋友, a Ginkgo.
    • By Adam & Valerie (Lemke) Hunt, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Augusta Haberyan, a Honey Locust.
    • By James and Patricia Joy, a Honey Locust.
    • In memory of Dr. Irene Mueller by Sam & Margaret McNaughton, a Callery Pear.
  • Plantings near Wells Hall
    • By the Bob and Mary Bohlken Family, a Zelkova.
    • In memory of Adored Wife, Mom & 海伦·辛尼特奶奶1931-2007, a Sugar Maple.
  • 发电厂旁的木兰树丛
    • By Phi Mu 2008, a Jane Magnolia
    • In memory of Helen Claire Murphy, a Sweetbay Magnolia.
  • A grove near the Dean L. 哈伯德创新中心
    • By Bob and Virginia Gill, a Black Maple.
    • By Bob and Virginia Gill, a Bur Oak.
    • By James and Patricia Joy, a Black Maple.
    • By James and Patricia Joy, a Bur Oak.
    • In honor of William C. Price, a Black Maple.
    • In honor of Edna Mary Asbell, a Bur Oak.
    • In honor of Linda Nichols Place B.S. '72 M.S. '08, a Black Maple.
  • Future Plantings
    • By Gus and Greg Rischer.


  • None


  • 一棵糖枫树纪念 Dr. Robert Foster 在福斯特水上运动中心东边吗.
  • 纪念一棵七叶树 Jennifer Shaw Suhr is west of Roberta Hall.


  • 一棵铁木纪念 Cassalou Stanton is in the Centennial Garden.
  • 林登的小叶子 Dr. Kent Porterfield is in the Centennial Garden.
  • 一棵纪念的黑枫树 Edith Deaver is north of Roberta Hall.
  • A Ginkgo Tree in memory of Cory Stanton is near Bearcat Stadium.
  • 林登的小叶子 Don Beeson is in the Centennial Garden.
  • 林登的小叶子 Linda Baer is in the Centennial Garden.
  • 林登的小叶子 Dick and Phyllis Leet is in the Centennial Garden.
  • A Whitebud in honor of Mark Hetzler is in the Centennial Garden.
  • 一棵红花海棠树在体育场里纪念 Ashley Nally.


  • 一棵郁金香白杨树 Mrs. Annelle Weymuth 在行政大楼的北面.
  • 一棵坚果橡树来纪念 Lezlee Johnson 在行政大楼的西北.
  • 两棵糖枫树纪念 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ellison are south of Colden Hall.


  • 一棵秋华服务的树在回忆 Dr. Alex Ching 在麦凯米终身学习中心的北面.


  • 一个Kousa山茱萸纪念 Delta Zeta 在行政大楼的西面.
  • 一棵缅怀的中国橡胶树 菲利普·舒斯特神父和达米安·拉森修士 is near the Peace Pavilion.
  • 喀尔巴阡胡桃树纪念 Words of Jesus Ministry is near the Valk Building.
  • 在加勒特-斯特朗的北边有一棵颤抖的白杨树 Barry and Claudia Beacom to commemorate their wedding.


  • 纪念三棵大草原海棠树 Maxine Windle 在北学院路和铁路右边的拐角处.
  • A White Oak in honor of Dr. Johanne Fairchild 在沃克大厦的前面.
  • A Ginkgo in honor of Dr. Patt Van Dyke is near the library.


  • 一棵山东枫树的纪念 Maximus Tatum塔图姆是巴特和雷切尔·塔图姆的儿子,位于熊猫体育场以北.
  • 一棵山东枫树的纪念 Phil Voge is north of Bearcat Stadium.
  • A Red Oak in memory of Governor Mel Carnahan is near the Peace Pavilion.
  • 一棵秋天的火焰红枫的荣誉 Aaron and Erin Fair Shipley is near Wells Hall.
  • 一棵鞑靼枫树以纪念 Marshal Harper 就在哈德逊大厅对面.
  • A Black Maple in honor of Raymond H. Peltz 它位于布朗大厅的南侧.
  • A Blackgum in memory of Art Harbison 位于金塘的东侧.
  • Two Red Pines in memory of Dr. Brenda Gilmour are located north of the B.D. Owens Library.
  • 在行政大楼和梅布尔库克招生大楼种植了一棵日本树丁香和一棵“深红之王”枫树,以纪念他 Rose Pugh.


  • Dogwoods in memory of Mrs. Jane Smith, Mrs. Rosella Trimble, and Mrs. Peg Allen 都种在行政大楼西边的山茱萸林中吗.
  • A Silver Linden in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Dean and Aleta Hubbard 位于罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心以西的环形车道上.
  • A Shumard Oak in memory of Mr. Larry E. Fuller 位于健康服务中心以西的新鸟类保护区.
  • 一棵“Skyrocket”英国橡树以纪念 Dr. Arnold D. Lindaman 它位于布朗大厅的南侧.
  • 纪念沼泽白橡树 Dr. John Hopper 位于金堂的北侧.
  • 三棵Serviceberry树(1)纪念 Mrs. Allene Wilkinson, (2) in honor of Mr. & Mrs. 杰夫和琳恩·哈根·戴维斯先生. and Mrs. 吉姆,莱斯利·哈根·韦斯特和琳赛·哈根小姐, and (3) in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Don and Mary Jane Hagan 位于兰金体育馆东面.


  • A Sugar Maple in memory of Mr. Dwight E. Gates 位于马丁代尔体育馆南边.
  • 红七叶树,以纪念 Dr. Gary and Dr. Merry McDonald 位于金堂的北侧.
  • 纪念的胡桃树林 Mrs. Zipp Renshaw 位于健康服务中心南面
  • 美国Hophornbeam纪念 Dr. and Mrs. Walter Cronkite 位于布朗厅以西的环形车道上.