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Upgrading, Extending, or Reactivating Your Certificate

Upgrading Your Certificate from an IPC to a CCPC

This process for upgrading is for individuals who hold a valid and active Missouri teaching certificate that is about to expire. In order to upgrade your certification from an Initial Professional Certificate (IPC) to a Career Continuous Professional Certificate (CCPC), 必须满足以下要求:

  • Accumulated four years of state-approved teaching experience (at least half time) in an accredited public or private school setting.
  • Developed and implemented a professional development plan of at least 30 contact hours, 经聘用学区批准.
  • Participated in a mentoring program for a minimum of two school years.
  • 完成了一个 初级教师援助计划 在学院或大学读书.
  • Participated in the district’s Performance-Based 老师 Evaluations (PBTE).

You may complete the 升级 application by choosing “DESE Web应用“在…… DESE主页 或在 教育工作者证书. 您将采取以下步骤:

  • Enter your User Name and Password and click “Login.”
  • Enter your Profile by clicking on “教育认证 System” link under “DESE Web应用” located under the “User Information” heading.
  • New Applications (click the black triangle to the left of #3)
    • 选择“专业升级”链接
    • Review your Personal Information and Education. If any of this information needs to be updated, click on the “Profile” or “Education” link on the left to update this information. 然后返回到应用程序.
    • Answer all of the “Professional Conduct” questions.
    • 根据申请目的, select “I request that my classification be upgraded to a Career Continuous Professional Certificate.”
    • 选择付款方式.
    • Under “Release of Educational Information,” click “I Accept.”
    • 输入你的招聘学区.
    • 选择“提交 & 支付”

Your application will then be sent electronically to the DESE work log for your school district. You should notify the person in your school who is responsible for certification that you have submitted your request for an upgrade. Your school will then verify that you meet the criteria for an upgrade and submit your application to DESE. From there, your upgrade should be approved within 8-12 weeks.

查看已提交申请的状态, you can view the "application status" section of your DESE profile page.


If you are currently teaching but have not met the requirements above to upgrade your certificate from an IPC to a CCPC, you may request that DESE “renew or extend” your current certificate. This will extend your original IPC certificate for an additional four years in order to give you more time to meet the requirements to upgrade. Renewing/Extending an IPC certificate essentially resets your four-year time period. However, you do not need to wait four more years to upgrade to a CCPC. You may upgrade from the IPC to the CCPC when you have met the requirements.

You may complete the Extension application by choosing “DESE Web应用“在…… DESE主页 或在 教育工作者证书. 您将采取以下步骤:

  • Enter your User Name and Password and click “Login.”
  • Enter your Profile by clicking on “教育认证 System” link under “DESE Web应用” located under the “User Information” heading.
  • New Applications (click the black triangle to the left of #3)
    • 选择“扩展证书”链接
    • Review your Personal Information and Education. If any of this information needs to be updated, click on the “Profile” or “Education” link on the left to update this information. 然后返回到应用程序.
    • Answer all of the “Professional Conduct” questions.
    • 根据申请目的, select the appropriate response.
    • Under “Release of Educational Information,” click “I Accept.”
    • 输入你的招聘学区. (Note: You should contact your district and let them know that you have submitted this application to their work log.)
    • 点击“提交”


If your teaching certificate has expired and you don’t meet the requirements to 升级 or 更新/扩展 your certificate, you can “重新激活” your expired certificate if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have completed a 2‑3 semester hour college course. The course may be at the undergraduate or graduate level. It should be relevant to your professional growth as an educator. It should not be a repeat of a course you have already completed. Once you complete the course and it is posted on a transcript, you will need to complete the on‑line Reactivation Application. The course you choose to use for re-activation 可能还不到六个月 at the time you submit the Reactivation Application. Official transcripts verifying completion of the course must be submitted to DESE for verification.
  • You have been hired at least half-time as a teacher by a Missouri school district. You will need to complete the on-line Reactivation Application and submit it to your school district. The application will prompt you to choose your employing Missouri school district. The district will verify your employment and submit your application to the department for approval. 通过提交申请, your school district is attesting that you will complete 24 contact hours of professional development either six months prior to or after reactivation of your certificate.

对于任意一个选项, if your 背景调查 clearance is more than a year old, 您将被要求填写一份新的 背景调查.

You may complete the Reactivation application by choosing “DESE Web应用“在…… DESE主页 或在 教育工作者证书. 您将采取以下步骤:

  • Enter your User Name and Password and click “Login.”
  • Enter your Profile by clicking on “教育认证 System” link under “DESE Web应用” located under the “User Information” heading.
  • New Applications (click the black triangle to the left of #3)
    • 选择“重新激活证书”链接
    • Review your Personal Information and Education. If any of this information needs to be updated, click on the “Profile” or “Education” link on the left to update this information. 然后返回到应用程序.
    • Answer all of the “Professional Conduct” questions.
    • 根据申请目的, select the appropriate response.
    • 选中要重新激活的证书.
    • Under “Release of Educational Information,” click “I Accept.”
    • If you indicated you have been hired, you need to enter your employing school district. (Note: You should contact your district and let them know that you have submitted this application to their work log.)然后提交给DESE.
    • 点击“提交”