a - z指数


We present these "testimonials" so that the potential participants and their parents can learn how the 于是经验 影响他人.




  • 这个星期天
  • 每天和这里的人交流
  • 动物园
  • 我的朋友和我的内部笑话
  • 动物园之旅,一切都很有趣
  • Being with everyone doing odd things; bus and car rides; meals
  • 天文类
  • 所有有趣的人和旅行
  • 它有多大的帮助,认识更多的人会如何改变你
  • 周末:周六很有趣,但周日是我留下最多回忆的时候
  • 我非常喜欢奥林匹克科学竞赛和WOF
  • 建立牢固的友谊和内部笑话
  • 花时间和每个人在一起
  • The walking thing; it showed I wasn't alone
  • I will appreciate the time and it was most fun, most memorable and most thankful
  • 的人
  • 敞开的地板会滋生细菌
  • 有趣的世界
  • 特权走
  • New Theatre; student leadership conference; BK Taylor
  • 《和记棋牌娱乐》非常棒
  • 天文学和老师们是多么的了不起
  • 我的朋友们,绝对是
  • 和每个人玩得开心,玩游戏等等.
  • 惊喜之旅

What things did you learn this summer (not necessarily in the classroom) that you feel will be valuable?

  • 更善于交际,做真实的自己
  • 时间管理和对大学的更好理解
  • 要快乐,做我自己
  • 信任和结识新朋友
  • 如何与人沟通
  • You don't know what everyone is going through, so don't be quick to judge
  • 如何与他人沟通
  • 社交技巧和诚信
  • 更多的 ways to solve a problem; challenge yourself more; respect others more
  • 每个人都和我不同,都和我一样
  • 时间管理
  • 社会技能
  • ACT prep; 朋友hip; college prep; how to save responsibility; I’m still learning
  • 我可以信任
  • 我认识了新朋友,参加了社交活动,也学到了英语
  • 走出自己的框框,与他人交往
  • 经济援助,矩阵,ACT准备,球面几何,天文学
  • 不要那么敏感
  • 变得更加自信,为自己和他人挺身而出. 还有,保密的重要性
  • 一堆东西
  • 我怎样才能抓住更多的机会而不害怕
  • ACT准备肯定会对我有帮助
  • How relationships work; how to use a calculator; matrices; how to understand my feelings
  • I learned more 关于 what I want to be as a person and how I can make that happen
  • 你需要意识到不同的人有不同的学习方式


对我来说,在于是学习是一段奇妙的经历. 它真的让我为大学生活做好了准备. 课程很有挑战性,但也很有趣. 但是,最好的部分是你会遇到一辈子的朋友. I still talk to my 朋友 from 于是 even though we live in different states.


也就是说,有时候机会在你的一生中只有一次. 我认为ubm是一个千载难逢的机会. 这是一个充满乐趣、知识学习和个人成长的6周. This is a time I will never forget, and that I am thankful for the opportunity to take part in it.


于是 made such a positive impact on my life, and I wish the best to everyone who applies. I've always said the greatest part 关于 the program is the comfortable learning atmosphere. Unlike high 学校 where I remember it not being socially acceptable to apply yourself in class, 但在于是,你周围都是想要学习的人. It allows you to open up with people and really be yourself without fear of alienation. I made so many amazing 朋友 at 于是, and we still keep in touch and visit each other occasionally. 于是标志着我生命中一个巨大的转折点, 它也使适应大学生活感觉很自然.


When I arrived at the university for the beginning of 于是 I was still a little nervous and scared. 我从来没有离开家超过一个星期,这将是第六个星期. I was glad my parents left me though, because it was the most memorable weeks of my life. 我结交了来自密苏里州各地的朋友,在做这件事的过程中我玩得很开心. I gained so much knowledge that I would have never learned at my small town 学校. 地质学,球面几何,气象学和许多其他令人惊叹的课程. 我也学会了如何信任自己和他人. My confidence soared and I left being prepared to do greater things in my life.

在哈佛大学管理学院的第一周我就想回家了. 那一周之后,我再也不想离开了. 当终于到了回家的时候,我不想回家了. 离开我所有的朋友和同龄人是很困难的. 我以为我再也见不到他们了,再也联系不上他们了, 但多亏了脸谱网和聊天工具,我一直保持着联系. 我仍然和他们中的许多人保持联系. 我会永远记得那六个星期,以及它给我的生活带来的改变. 我现在告诉你,不要让这个机会从你身边溜走. If  it does, you'll be missing out on an experience that will change your life for the better.


  • I wanted my daughter to take on more responsibility and broaden her knowledge of education. 她做得比我想象的还要多. 她现在对每件事都很热心.
  • My daughter is more outgoing, speaks up for herself and now has a high self-esteem. 她看到了“真实的世界”,她喜欢它. 我想她现在很欣赏生活中的小事了. 她更加感激她的家庭. Having my daughter gone for so long helped me realize how grown-up she is getting. 在于是的经历帮助我成为了一个更好的家长.
  • Our son has become more open with us and is more at ease around strangers since attending 于是. The Orientation session answered lots of questions and made us feel more comfortable when we heard the rules and saw where they were to stay.
  • 和记棋牌娱乐的儿子在生活的各个方面都获得了自信, 学校, 朋友, 和工作,因为他参加了哈佛大学管理学院. 他对自己的未来非常乐观. 他已经设定了目标,我相信他会成功的. I believe that this program has made us 关闭r; he appreciates what I do for him more.
  • My son has gotten out of his "observer's seat" and onto the "field of life" since attending 于是.
  • 于是帮助我的儿子变得更加自信和善于与人交往. He seems to be more able to overlook slights from other students at 学校 who belittle his accomplishments. He now has 朋友 from 于是 who like him for who he is and not what some thought he should be. 这个夏天他真的成熟了. 很高兴看到他为自己感到高兴,被别人接受. 他仍与许多瑞银的朋友保持联系.
  • 和记棋牌娱乐的女儿从不拖到最后一刻才做作业, 而是每天晚上都热切地去做. 自从参加了于是项目, 和记棋牌娱乐的女儿更冷静了,对学校的态度也更积极了. She is now very open with us 关于 her 朋友 who are beginning to experiment and use drugs and alcohol. 她选择远离这些人和相关事件. 谢谢你!!
  • 我儿子喜欢接触不同类型的数学和科学. He learned to appreciate the "differences" in others and to be more comfortable with his own "differences".
  • 自从我的女儿上了于是之后,她在高中变得更加开放了. 她更能接受别人. My daughter's 于是 participation made her very happy and that is worth a million to a parent to see their child experience something so wholesome and good. 她在学术和个人方面都有所成长. 知道她在一个安全的地方,和记棋牌娱乐都松了一口气. 这是一个让孩子们学习和享受学习的好节目. 谢谢你给我的美好时光.
  • We got to know our son better and on a different level because of what the 于是 program and other participants brought out in him.
  • My daughter became more at ease at 于是 being in a setting with people who had similar interests. She returned home with a greater self-confidence in public places and greater communication skills. 和记棋牌娱乐的女儿有更好的组织能力. 她交了一些很好的朋友.
  • 在瑞士联合管理大学的经历远远超出了我对女儿的期望. She is now more responsible and more determined 关于 学校, college, and life. 她的自尊心提高了. She is still talking 关于 the experience and is looking forward to next year. 这很难用语言来表达,但她的整个人生观变好了. This is a big stepping-stone toward my daughter realizing her goals and potential in life. 这给了我很大的安心. The benefits of my daughter's 于是 participation have been some of the most positive events of my daughter's life. 她的余生都将从中受益. 谢谢你!.
  • My son has learned maturity, tolerance, and knowledge since his 于是 summer. 他不会像以前那样在“开玩笑”时发表种族主义言论. 这一变化表明他在生活的各个方面都有所成长. He is more willing to do household chores without trying to argue or complain. 他现在意识到钱不是从树上长出来的. Our son being around other kids with the same abilities or better stimulates his desire to achieve even more. This made us realize our son is almost grown up and it is time to plan for his biggest transition in life.
  • The time my son spent at 于是 gave him a sense of getting rid of some anxieties from himself and his parents. 他学会了预算时间和金钱,并结交了朋友. He came back home a bit more mature, which helps me to learn to let him grow up. Our son seems to study harder and his athletic abilities were somewhat stronger since attending 于是.